

Kathleen Cummings

Joined AIAIA Board: 2006

Education: U of M, St. Mary’s Junior College, Augsburg College, St. Catherine’s University

​Degrees/Certificates:  RN, BSN, MAN, MAOL

Career Summary:

  • Director, Hospice & Palliative Care, Fairview

  • Joint Commission on Accreditation of HealthCare Organizations

  • Registered Nurse/BSN, Cardiology & Neurosurgery, University of Minnesota

Why you’re proud to be a Trustee of Arm in Arm: After having traveled to South Africa and specifically to Guguletu and Malungeni, I have seen and believe in a small group’s actions affecting many. I have made 8 trips with AIAIA starting in 2001. I saw first-hand how food for  10 families has multiplied today to hundreds and provided four times a year. I won the Fairview Cares Award in 2007 mainly due to my work with AIAIA. With that I was able to give the $10,000 award monies to AIAIA. I saw how the dollars raised were used directly with those we met and worked with in these areas in South Africa. We have integrity. I look forward to further AIAIA relationship building with St. Luke’s Hospice near Cape Town.